As far as Portland, Oregon goes there are THOUSANDS of companies with stacks of pallets that are going to waste. I drive past the mountains of pallets all of the time. It's fun to see what people actually do make out of them.
Incredible right?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Life is too short. Enjoy Every Moment.
I love a good photo that gives you a feeling of happiness. They scream summer! Which- if I wait any longer I will start screaming for summer!
Photo credits are all found on Flickr
1. _cub
4. sabino
5. knitalatte11
6. Hey LadyGrey
Hey LadyGrey
i scream if you scream
lieke romeijn
This Is My Dream Home!
Wayne(boyfriend) and I have been on a hunt for a barn we could buy in Oregon on a decent sized property. We want all utilities on site and a lot that is secluded. You see..When you work with the public 5 of 7 days a week for 8 hours a day you come to realise you don't like people as much as you thought you would. You would have never thought people would talk to you the way they do. You would have never thought people were as insane, and selfish as they are. All I want went I get home every day is dead silence. I want as little human interaction as possible. It is a mental break, a reboot. I don't take vacations, I don't call in sick, I don't show up late for work, I don't get weekends off. I am a hard worker, and I need to be saving it all up for something to help me get away from all of this chaos. A small cabin, a barn renovation, a giant garden, a craft room, open fields, the sound of water in the distance.. I dream of the simple life. A modern quiet life.
This beautiful barn renovation was done in Whidbey Island, Washington. The renovation happened in 2000.
The old wood from the exterior of the barn is used inside through out the house as paneling. The designers stuck with a minimal color palette and focused on clean lines and lots of lighting. The colors are very natural and bright. The old wood wall panels and white furnishings really compliment each other.
See the full article here at Inhabitat

Barn Renovation
Beautiful Barn
Dream Home
Renovated Barn
Whidbey Island Barn Renovation
Friday, May 27, 2011
Jennifer's Graduation Party Decorations
I made this today using a decal made by Shanna Murray. Her shop is amazing. You will fall in love...
I ruffled up some streamers I picked up at the dollar store. They turned out great. They have extrememly basic colors though. I will have to run somewhere else to get some more fun shades of blue. It is such a cheap project and really turns a simple decoration girly instantly. I am in love with the way they turned out.
I ruffled up some streamers I picked up at the dollar store. They turned out great. They have extrememly basic colors though. I will have to run somewhere else to get some more fun shades of blue. It is such a cheap project and really turns a simple decoration girly instantly. I am in love with the way they turned out.
I really messed up on "The" but I couln't restart.. It is what it is.
Shanna Murray decals
Best Before And Afters- A Good Old Fashioned Revamp!
These are a few of the best DIY projects that I have seen. The paint jobs are amazing and really transform the bland piece of furniture to a show stopper. These are now the focal point of the room!
The first and last photo credits are from myhomeideas, and middle is from designspongeonline.
Before and After
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Vintage Doilies and Love Letters
My mom collects doilies and vintage linenes. To me this is an amazing idea. It pulls all of the vintage items out of the closet and brings them new life! And who doesn't like sweet love letters?
Photo credits are 100 Layer Cake , Eatdrinkchic love letters made by Amy Moss
100 layer cake blog
Amy Moss
Eat Drink Chic
Love Letters
Vintage Doilies
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Jennifer's College Graduation Party
This is the inspiration board I have for Jennifer's Graduation party. I purchased The paper pom poms and the congratulations banners already. But the top left photo is the inspiration. I have been working on cake/cupcake toppers and sat down last night to finish them up and my pens were ALL dried out from sitting in the sun all day. I was so bummed! I ran out this morning and got a whole new set. The only problem I am having is that all of the table cloths are black.. It might not look as bad as I am thinking but I might have to run to the dollar store and get a quick fix. : ) What do you guys think? Any suggestions for cheap but fun party decorations?
Graduation Party
Martha Stewart
Second Featured Artist of the Day is Dekanimal
Dekanimal on etsy is based out of Hong Kong. He has a blog that I can't understand (It is in Chinese) but he has a Flickr account that I DO understand. You do not need words. Just photos of all of his work.
You would think a woman made these. He must have a soft heart full of love(As we all should). We lack alot of love in this world. Everything would be better if we put more of our hearts into everything that we do.
Tell everyone how much they mean to you more often. Forget about the drama, and Hollywood.
Live a life everyone can admire. <3
You would think a woman made these. He must have a soft heart full of love(As we all should). We lack alot of love in this world. Everything would be better if we put more of our hearts into everything that we do.
Tell everyone how much they mean to you more often. Forget about the drama, and Hollywood.
Live a life everyone can admire. <3
Featured Artist is Catherine Campbell
myfolklover on Etsy is todays featured artist. I am in love with her paper, watercolor paint, and pen combinations . She is based out of Melbourne, Australia. I wish I could draw this well. Such talent the world should see.
Check out her shop!
Catherine Campbell
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Some Inspirational Paintings by Kelli Murray
I really love the style of Kelli Murray's paintings. She has some darker work that I dont like as much. The majority of paintings really give you the feeling of happiness, and resemble childlike innocence in a "hip" way. On her Blog she draws her lookbook photoshoot outfits. It is adorable but a little too self consumed. It is an interesting concept I wish I would have thought of 10 years ago. Look at her blog though- Her baby nursery painting is AMAZING!
Kelli Murray
A Couple of Wedding Cake Ideas by "ReadyGo" on Etsy
ReadyGo is an adorable cake banner shop on Etsy. There are banners for all occasions, and in many sizes. Ready Go has been featured on Etsy multiple times. There is no wonder why.. They are simple cute conversation pieces!
Ready Go!
Ready Go
Ready Go etsy shop
Here we go!
This is a fresh start! All I have to say is here we go! (Hi mom)
This blog will show all of my inspirations, and hopfully some of my own DIY projects! I want to show you all of the things I am REALLY thinking about when I am at my dead end job. The two latest projects I am working on are decorations for my bestfriends graduation fiesta June 11th, and my aunts wedding July 2012. I will share my inspiration for their parties, and some of my own craft skills. I hope to entertain and inspire you!
Feel free to follow my blog(link)!
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