The Latest Property Hunt Update: Last week we had another adventure down south. Another quest for property. It just happened to be the rainiest day ever through out all of Oregon. Probably the worst day to do a property tour. We did it though! The property has all of the amenities we want, and has a fixer upper cabin on it. I do not want to photograph it until it is fixed up a bit. The seller still lives in it, so stuff is all over the place. The fact that her stuff is all over, we think brings down the value. So it could be a good thing, but bad because we don't know what could be wrong with the place because all of the stuff could be covering things we NEED to see to understand the work that may need to go into it. It does have a creek that runs 11 months out of the year, and a spring which feeds water down to the cabin(through gravity) and has a holding tank. There are gardens on the property, but they are going to need some fixing up. Everything is so small so with very little work it can be transformed rather quickly. There are hiking trails all over quite a few acres. Feels like a camp ground. We see the potential and put in an offer, and it was accepted by the seller.. Unfortunately it now needs to be approved by the bank. It could last months before we hear anything back, But I wanted to update everyone. Everything is moving very fast!