Back in March of last year I blogged about How to Grow Ginger (See that post Here). What I didn't realize at the time is that the tin coffee can I was growing the ginger in would rust all over the place. I eventually gave up on it. The post continued to get hits like crazy from Pinterest (Don't forget to follow me Here). So just a couple of weeks ago I started all over again. This baby has been growing at the rate of about a half an inch a day! I keep it moist, and out of direct sunlight. It has 4-5 more bulbs popping out just under the soil so I see that it is going really well! I will have many photos to update this post with. : )
Excerpt from my previous 'Grow Your Ginger At Home' post:
"Studies say ginger’s peak flavor arrives at 265 days, And if you start the ginger inside in late winter, that one root can produce four times that amount by fall! (Which I AM!) But you’ll only get this long growing season by starting your ginger indoors as a houseplant early in the year and then transplanting it in your garden in late spring, once the weather’s warmed. When moving your ginger to your garden, choose a spot with rich, loose soil, and be sure to water it regularly. There aren’t many pests or diseases to worry about. And occasionally, you might get a nice surprise: Your ginger plant may produce yellowish flowers at the base of each stem. With proper care, your ginger can reach 2-4 feet tall. It’ll have narrow, glossy, green leaves that can be up to a foot long. Its roots can be harvested at any time, but you should let the plant grow for at least three to four months before harvesting. You’ll be able to see the ginger roots growing near the surface of the soil. To harvest them, just trim off small sections whenever you need them, while the rest of the plant continues to grow. The new roots that grow from the starter root will have the best flavor and texture. The old starter root should be tossed out at the end of the season."