I have abandoned this blog almost completely. Life has become rather interesting in the last couple of years. As you know I was making enough money to quite my day job. We bought a house last year, and did some logging early this year. Our timber framed cabin was completely surrounded by old growth trees, and every wind storm totally freaked us out. Last year I was able to work 3-4 days, and spend 3-4 helping clean up around the property. This year was a completely different story. I worked just about 7 days a week, taking off specific days of the week based on plans, and errand runs. Took a few trips, but also missed out on a few things too. I am grateful for being so busy this year though. It has funded getting this place back in order. I honestly saw our property as completely ruined after the loggers left. I thought it would take YEARS to look nornal again. We did it. Paid a hefty cost, but got it done quite quickly. It has been a rough year, day to day seems fine but looking back... I never want to do that again. So as Thanksgiving has approached.. I am thankful that this year is just about over, and we can start 2015 with a clean slate. We can call this our new beginning in this new house, because our previous beginning sucked. HA!

I also got an iphone earlier this year, and having that on me makes me much less likely to carry my Canon camera around anymore. So I no longer take 200 pictures, I take 5 now. That is also another reason blog posts just aren't happening. Instagram has almost taken that need to blog away from me. I can now show my trips, crafts, work, family photos... All in one place. Easy as pie(Yum!). So the evolution of Dream State is going in a different direction. I am more business based now, and less on sharing personal trips and tips. Hopefully this blog is included in the future of Dream State. It will have to change with me, and my directions in life. On that note --I will now be working on a tab for free printable's!
Who knows. Maybe since this year was twice as busy as last, next year will double this year? Maybe I'll have to hire someone. Just maybe.. 2015 holds many surprises. The future is exciting!